Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One Step Closer

My passport is here! I decided to make a post because it's sort of a milestone for me in this whole journey. It's one more major step completed. 
There are little things completed too which seem funny, but mean something to me...a serious winter coat and boots to deal with Harbin in Jan/Feb, and a new bank account with free international ATM usage and fee reimbursement. Getting these little things done just proves to myself that I am serious this time and it's actually going to happen. Six more months to go.  

PS. I'm also doing very well in my "Fluenz" Mandarin lessons. One lesson a day for almost two months now. I feel like I am learning quite a bit and can form pretty useful sentences. I definitely don't feel comfortable having a conversation or anything, but I do think I could get around a restaurant or tell a cab driver where to go. =)

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