Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Offer Accepted

So, I've accepted an offer for a job teaching in Harbin for 6 months. The school is the major partner of the place that I will be getting my certification training done at. It is not my ideal situation, but I have convinced myself that it is the best thing for me to do.
Being so close to my trainers, I feel like I will have more access to the help and support needed to get started right in my new position. I also feel that getting 6 months of experience will help me figure out some of the little things to look for in a school when it comes time to finding a job in the city that I really want to settle in at, Kunming. Also, I have read that it is much easier/better to find a job if you're already in the country. This first 6 months of teaching in Harbin should allow me to get through the growing pains of the new job without souring my overall outlook on this new journey. I am looking at this as if it were 6 months of paid training. If I don't like the school, the city, or any other aspect of living/working in China, it will not effect me as much because I will know that it is still just training. I can still convince myself that things will be different when I move on to my more permanent situation.
Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter. It's all about convincing myself to not let any of the initial pains get me down. Having the mindset that my first 6 months is really just an extended training period will help me brush off any bad feelings I have as just a temporary thing. Then, if I end up experiencing the same problems in the future, they wont have as much of an effect on me anyways because I'll have already been there, done that.

Besides all of that, the main reason why I didn't want to stay in Harbin is because it's just too damn cold! This contract period isn't so bad though. I have to be there for all of February anyways for my certification training. So, I will be teaching March through August. At least  I will be there for the end of winter and through summer. The weather wont really be that bad. After that I can get the heck out of there before the next winter hits!
Plus, I'm just happy to have a job already set up. I don't have to go through any hassle of trying to get a job lined up from here in the USA. And if i get really lazy about finding another job, I can always renew my contract in Harbin and continue working there in the cold until I do find a new job in another city.
Who knows, I might end up loving Harbin too. From what I read, it's a beautiful city with wonderfully friendly and helpful people. It's also known as one of the best places in China to learn Mandarin due to them having the most traditional dialect and accent.

Holy crap! I looked down at the bottom corner of my screen here and saw 11/1/2011. I have less than 3 months to go. All of the sudden it feels like I don't have enough time to get ready. Wow, this is coming up quick.

PS. Sorry, I have no picture for this post. 
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One Step Closer

My passport is here! I decided to make a post because it's sort of a milestone for me in this whole journey. It's one more major step completed. 
There are little things completed too which seem funny, but mean something to me...a serious winter coat and boots to deal with Harbin in Jan/Feb, and a new bank account with free international ATM usage and fee reimbursement. Getting these little things done just proves to myself that I am serious this time and it's actually going to happen. Six more months to go.  

PS. I'm also doing very well in my "Fluenz" Mandarin lessons. One lesson a day for almost two months now. I feel like I am learning quite a bit and can form pretty useful sentences. I definitely don't feel comfortable having a conversation or anything, but I do think I could get around a restaurant or tell a cab driver where to go. =)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Post/Testing

If you don't know, I'm moving to China in January 2012. I'm hoping to use this blog to help share my experience with friends, family, and anyone else that might just be interested. I am not a writer so my text may be lame, but I am a photographer so at least you will have some great sights to see. That's all for now. I will update as I come up with anything new. =) 

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